Sunday, May 29, 2005

Darth Vader and Star Wars

Have seen the latest Star Wars movie and it's so complex that I found it hard to believe one could get any political statement from it. If anything, it seemed more a pro-adoption movie. But with the exception of some dialog this was a great movie, and even the dialog seemed to improve as the movie continued. The scenes with Chancellor Palpatine and Ankin done very well.

Was struck how much I agree with this article and thought these same thoughts. Except for the statements regarding failing in Vietnam and Iraq (as I believe the military were and are winning those engagments). The writer of the article tells the part of the movie that's the most gruesome or scary and tragic. I remember when I read Return of the Jedi, that Obi-Wan tells of his dual with Ankin. I found this movie's version more realistic that my own imagination in regards to how Ankin/Darth Vader's body is destroyed. It's rather painful and morbid.

I think it was very important to us the viewers, that we saw Yoda and Luke interact in The Empire Strikes Back before realizing who Yoda really was. Sure he told us (Luke too) he was a Jedi master and an important one, but we didn't know how important and how powerful. Looking back to Obi-Wan's dual with Darth Vader in the 1977 Star Wars, I have more appreciation of how he had aged and how time had passed. Seeing that Obi-Wan ultimately killed Darth Maul and General Greivous, he was a great and powerful Jedi and was more than able in defeating a very powerful Darth Vader. It makes you realize that Darth Vader himself must have had a bit of hesitation when he felt Obi-Wan's presence. He may have been so moved by fear that his informing Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing's character, the commander of the Death Star) was a way for him to stall and offer Tarkin a warning that Vader recognized someone who could ( and had years before) better him in the use of the Force. I am sure in the orignal Star Wars that Tarkin and Vader were very concern with what Obi-Wan was doing on their prized Death Star, he (Obi-Wan) was a bold one and if he intented to, would have taken on the whole battle station.

future of auto racing?

You know the evolution of the jockey in horse racing took less than a hundred years. Now the jockeys are consider extremely tall at 5 feet. Most if not all are shorter than that 5 feet and weigh less that 120 pounds. In fact weight is so important in that sport that in each race a set weight is defined as to how much is on the horse.

That day in Indy car racing and maybe in NASCAR (if not already) is coming. I think in NASCAR the whole package must weigh a certain amount, that's driver, tire's, engine, chassis, everything about the car has to fit into a certain weight range or maybe it's a particular number, like 3500 pounds. Indy racing does not have this I guess. That why Robby Gordon's point about Danica Patrick is valid and must be noted. If she won today, it would have sent a ripple affect throughout Indy car racing. It would have said "If you are small and light, you are needed in racing cars." Maybe that's already occuring as I think a number of recent winners were slight frame built. Danica would have an advantage over A.J. Foyt.