Monday, December 19, 2005

Get rid of the Minimum Wage!!!

There two things occurring because we have imposed pay requirements on legal employers in the US.

First, there are thousands, dare I say millions of illegal immigrants flowing across the border gladly working for less than the minimum wage. They live at least dozen to a house that an Anglo or African family of four would be comfortable living in. They work hard and as a unit usually as a family with strong Catholic values. They do jobs around residential construction or landscape sites. They do the odd jobs or the manual labor that ordinary folks could do over a period of days, but instead gets done in a matter of hours for just a few dollars of cheap blackmarket labor. There is a subculture existing right under our noses and unless you speak Spanish or drive by the hardware stores, you are unaware of it. Where will this subculture lead us to, I don't know, but you can tell by the way politicians dance around being careful not to upset this future voting block. Even now the President does not dare try to deport these people, but wants to legalize what is a violation of one of the most fundamental laws of the land, the status of citizenship.

Second, there is a million dollar plus industry in Asia, more specifically China, of making cheap and easily manufactured items and shipping them to the US. Those countries, China, Indonesia, Taiwan, Korea, etc, have such cheap labor and low cost-of-living that they can pay pennies for and that a majority of the cost goes toward paying for shipping the products across the ocean. Even Mexico and Central America is getting into the act and what people call "sweat" shops are really cheap labor businesses that pay the employees just enough to feed and clothe themselves and pay rent. Sure it's not an easy living and one where the chances of having a strong middle class exist is not likely, but it's a living and the alternative too many of those people are well too aware of.

If the USA got rid of the minimum wage, manufacturing jobs would return. The shipping companies probably would not like it and I would hope someone would look into who is filling Senator Kennedy pockets to push this unconstitutional item on America. I left my job in Montgomery, AL, after minimum wage was raised and my pay was not. When they raised minimum wage and not my pay, I saw the two look too close for my liking, so I left that low paying tech job for Atlanta and a better paying tech job. Pro Football players do that all the time nowadays. My fear is, when will China realize that they have the USA at their mercy and then decide to raise prices. I guess this is why the American President kisses their ass every chance he gets.


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