Iran will strike, will US strike back harder
I have had a vision. Today it's July 15, 2006 and close to midnight. But I fear that thousands if not tens of thousands and more will perish when Iran sets off a nuclear bomb. They have asked for the West to wait till late August. Why? Why? It's a stalling tactic. We can only pray that they blow themselves up before getting the device to either Israel or someplace in the West. North Korea has proved that their missiles could not hit the broadside of a barn so thankfully only a few nations can feel threaten by that means of delivery. Which saddens me because I like India and Armenia.
Why the President of the USA insists on calling this a "War on Terror" is beyond me. This is a "War for the Soul of Earth" We are being assaulted and intimidated in order for our souls to be entomb in the sad and belligerent world of Islam. The more I study the cult of Islam the more I am convinced that they do not by any stretch of the imagination worship the same God as me. In fact if you read or are aware of their "holy" book, you will see that they represent Christ, God on Earth himself, as a fat prophet. God help us but we are in a struggle that's been going on for over a thousand years. The West keeps fighting just enough to keep these evil forces at bay, limited in their part of the world. But now they control the fuel that makes our nation run and they hold hostage land we in the West call "holy".
Where is our "Andrew Jackson", our "General William Tecumseh Sherman". With this foe, the West can not afford to be gracious and honorable like General Robert E. Lee. We need to get mean and dirty with these people like Sherman did. The people of the Confederate States of the South were far more refine and civilized to deserve to be fed to such a dog as Sherman. The lost souls who have allied themselves with the cult of Islam deserve no finer reward. We have sacrificed a thousand plus American lives to make Iraq more than it deserves. I do not profess a pull out of Iraq, but rather a clear and unmistakable understanding that the Israelis failed to convey to Hamas and that other terror organization who name escapes me. If we leave and have to return, their countries and all those living in it will perish. We can not live in peace with such hate and failure. God help us. God help the US. God help the West.
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