Friday, July 22, 2005

A big believer in exercise!

The following link is an article written by a slug (either in the brain or body or both). I know what the President is doing and agree with it wholeheartedly. Maybe I would have dealt with Iran before sending troops to Iraq and maybe I would have built a wall to rival the Berlin wall or the Great Wall of China along the US, Mexico border. Maybe I would have taken my case for Social Security reform to the television airways before wasting time preaching to the choir around the country and maybe I would be more insistent on alternative fuels to the oil we import.

But I must admit when it comes judging people and valuing their decisions I know without a doubt that one's physical and mental potency are connected. The Arms forces around the world recognize this. Gradually businesses are recognizing this, as professionals who make a living on making dramatic decisions. For so long this Western society has allowed the artificial affects of smoking and alcoholic beverage consumption to power the workforce. For those who say there's not enough time in the day, I say "make time or lose time". Sure one can be tired after a hard days work, but that is more mental than physical. It's not easy, but it's necessary for one's health in the long run. For generations our ancestors had to walk or ride horses or carriages to get home or around and that provided a form of exercise. Simply fishing or hunting was exercising too.,0,3359930.column?coll=la-news-comment-opinions


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