Yes we now live in a police state
Thanks to the threat of terrorist, the area around the Madison Square Garden is controlled tightly by the police. I have had no problem outside the Garden of getting around. The police are more concerned with large groups of people doing something rather than one or two individuals.
Yesterday, Monday, me and my roommate went to the Empire State building, my second visit, and the Guggenheim museum, my first and only visit. The Empire State view is nice and great for identifying building around Midtown New York. The Guggenheim museum had only one floor that had any art to speak of. I could have done some stuff and I would have been embarrassed to do the rest. There was more pornographic material there than I would have thought. No models or anything of Frank Lloyd Wright's creations.
Last night was extremely hectic. Security has increased and become more anal. I can't walk around a corner and not have someone check me out. At one point I had to go to editorial tables in the stands and the security guy would not let me up. He finally let me up to our area, with me being frim with him that I was not going anywhere else. Well, I did not know that Micheal Moore was only a few rows above our news position. And security was doing it's best to protect him from any possible attack. Interesting the left's biggest mouth comes under the roof of the Republican's party, but you didn't see any major rightwing big mouth (O'Reilly doesn't count) in the Democrat's party.